Monday, May 22, 2017

Public Gun Club? or Old Boys Social Club?

I have had the pleasure of training at many different facilities over the years. Between my military and my non-military affairs, I have been fortunate enough to never subscribe to one method of learning, one theory of instruction, one idea. This has caused some friction along the way, primarily for those less enlightened to change or a "my way is the only way" "this is how I was taught" mentality. This is better known as "Institutional Inbreeding"

Over the course of my career I have had the pleasure of training alongside various members and stakeholders within the private security sector, as well as militaries and law enforcement agencies from Europe, North America, even Indonesia. As I move into firearms training here in Atlantic Canada I am noticing a trend among the various ranges I have attended and the many firearms enthusiasts I've spoken to.... They're not actually ranges... a lot of them are Old Boys/ Social Clubs... conform to our way of thinking or be cast out.

One of these such Ranges is Hnatiuks Gun Range located in Elmsdale. An easy 25-35 min drive from Halifax off of Exit 8 from the 101 highway. After meeting my new business partner , who goes by WhiskeyDeltaGulf online, and in the early stages of my civilian firearms instructional work. I became a member after a friend recommended it to me. I showed up signed the paperwork, watched the safety video, and paid my dues.. $268 for a membership, seven day access 9a-9p. I attended the Range Safety Officer Course to allow myself to shoot at the range unsupervised (I didn't really need supervision but it was a club thing and a tax right off so why not) I noticed a sign as I walked down the stairs "If you are using a holster be prepared to show your holster certification card". Holster Certification? Seriously?

I approached the staff who explained to me that its a safety requirement. I explained my background and was told it was up to the Chief Firearms Instructor Peter Elliot. I met Peter, a tall seasoned British chap who simply requested to see proof of my background and he wouldn't have an issue with my using a holster. One copy of my MPRR (Miltiary Personnel Record Resume) later and I was good to go. Peter and I eventually became very acquainted and, on my request, allowed me to attend training courses as an adjunct instructor alongside the President of Scotia Gun Club Michel Valcourt.

Peter gave me some pointers and tips as to how holsters are expected to be used on civilian ranges as the conduct of the range can differ from military ranges. For example: On a military range it is very acceptable to dry train off to the side even when the range is not live or "hot". The range is only "hot" when rounds are about to be chambered and the course of fire carried out. On civilian ranges your not even permitted to handle your firearm unless the range is "red" or "hot"

On my own dollar, and my own time I volunteered at Scotia Gun Club teaching. Peter held a series of courses and after several months, I had learned a lot about how the civilian side of the firearms fence operated. Everything from how the pistol is drawn from a holster to moving on a range. Tactics like I had learned in the military for handling rifles and pistols together were generally frowned upon.  I wouldn't dare practice weapon transitions unless I was the only one using the range. Essentially the types of movement and drills you would see from notables such as John "Chappy" Chapman, and Pat MacNamara were no-gos. Still, these were the rules and this wasn't a military setting to I took it for what it was worth and adhered to the rules.

I sat in and instructed on a number of Holster Certification and Level 1 Pistol courses with Peter, I learned a lot of pointers myself too. I found a lot of the instruction that was being given was relevant and somewhat applicable to my work. However I also found some of the information a bit dated. Peter was great for providing references and his own experiences which, in my opinion, is essential for any instructor. For a shooter with zero experience with firearms these courses were a good cornerstone to set a foundation for continued learning.

Around January Peter pulled me aside, as he usually did from time to time to give me pointers, only this time it was to praise the work and the amount of it that I put in. He was very well satisfied with my conduct and my instructional ability many students had expressed to him their gratitude and thanks to both Michel and I for our assistance in helping them along their firearms journey and agr
eed that he would start the process for me to become a certified Firearms Instructor through the National Firearms Association. Things would take a turn for a much different outcome just a month later.

In February of this year, while online on Facebook I got into a difference of opinion with a former employer and client, Lawrence Conrad of Independent Security Services Atlantic Inc. and Independent Armored Transport Atlantic Inc.

Mr Conrad and his company gained nationwide attention after three of his staff were caught writing fake tickets, and were charged with Uttering False Documents. Coupled with a series of other issues the city terminated them... Opps sorry "This isn't a termination, this is simply a non-renewal of the 5 year contract" -
Lawrence Conrad to the media. The city gave the contract to someone more suitable. Mr. Conrad, mad and pouting in a corner took the sore losers route and refused to finish out the contract leaving the city, essentially, parking enforcementless, (yes I sometimes make up my own words, you can do that when you own a blog) for over a month.

Now as usual when things get heated between us,words were traded, a couple of piss offs and f*** yous and that was usually the end of it. Lawrence actually continued by sending me a series of messages threatening me.

I started getting phone calls from clients about information they were getting. Suddenly on 27 February I received this email from Ian Cook the Range Co-ordinator for Hnatiuks.

Misconducts? Alleged misconducts? Well which is it? What is it? Information from a security firm? It became clear that Lawrence Conrad took it upon himself to start calling the various people I work and do business or volunteer with and whatever was said was serious enough that some started creating space. Nevertheless, Hnatiuk's took the hearsay of one and ran for the hills.

I spoke with Jim Hnatiuk on the issue and he refused to utter exactly what was said, Ian Cook turned into a clam shell as well. So I was being temporarily suspended from using a range, which I paid a yearly due to use, and no one would tell me exactly why... just cause... discrimination much? He further went on to explain that this information was passed onto and that an investigation was being conducted by the Chief Firearms Officer for Nova Scotia, John Parkin.

The CFO confirmed on two separate occasions that there was no investigation being undertaken by his office. Actually he seemed rather annoyed after a while.

Jim did make a reasonable request and asked for a reference letter. I offered to do him one better, give him my military service record, well at least the shadow copy I kept at home. I think the worse thing that I've ever had happen to be was Counselling and Probation back in 2010. (It was a rough year but that's another story). I haven't even received so much as an AWOL charge which some dudes (and gals) get for being simply being late for work. I offered this plus a collection of personnel evaluations, kudos letters, and many personal and professional references from clients and students I've worked with over the years. But for some reason that wasn't good enough.

I enlisted the help of an attorney who conversed with Jim Hnatiuk through e-mail and asked specifically what was said and who said it. Jim's response was probably the most stonewalling yet.

(Actually Jim that's not what Ian Cook said Previously... (See above) So which is it? And what does a dispute between me and someone else have to do with your business???

Essentially said he had received certain information but refused to indicate what was said. I mean this guy was really running for the hills. It was clear at this point that Jim Hnatiuk was beginning to realized he screwed up and jumped the gun, making a prejudicial decision based on bad information. Soon after Jim Hnatiuk stopped answering my emails as did his Range Coordinator Ian Cook. In an email Mr. Cook explained that he didn't want to get caught in between a "He said, She said" dispute. Unfortunately for Mr. Cook he doesn't realize that its already much too late for that.

Finally I presented Jim Hnatiuk with several options:

1. Reimburse my membership in full

2. Risk civil litigation for discrimination.

I received an email from Michel Valcourt President of Scotia Gun Club offering me to pro-rate my membership "it equals to about $67 but Jim told me to give you $100" So not only did Hnatiuks realize they screwed up.. but now they want to buy me off.... with $100...... :S I mean seriously???

In the end, Hnatiuks Hunting and Fishing and Scotia Gun Club is not the "family oriented" friendly environment it portrays itself to be. They really care nothing for their members except for those who are part of the "Old Boy's Club". It is important for you to be made aware of these sort of businesses and know exactly who it is your hard earned money is going to. At Hnatiuks Hunting and Fishing paying your dues doesn't guarantee service.  

As for Lawrence Conrad, you do not need me to tell you the type of person he truly is. Talk to one of the over 1600 employees he's gone through over the past 20 years... Read the Court Cases he's been party to. From Labour Board complaints, not paying overtime, in some cases not paying employees at all, the parking enforcement scandal, the $40,000 he attempted to take from his former business partner's brother that he claimed was "gifted" to his company.

I mean who in their right mind gives $40,000 as a gift around these parts?

This is not the type of person we need representing our community. In fact Lawrence Conrad is the poster boy for what is wrong with the private security industry here in Nova Scotia.

If you are interested in hiring a reputable and responsible security provider I would be more than willing to provide you a list of providers in the local area. If you are unfortunate enough to be working for Mr. Conrad or any of this little enterprises for your own good. follow in the footsteps of the hundreds before you, jump ship, and find something better.

Firm Loses $40,000 Dispute

JB Technologies Inc. v. Independent Armoured Transport Atlantic Inc., 2014 NSSC

Boudreau v. Independent Armored Transport Atlantic Inc., 2009 NSLST 12 (CanLII)
Armitage v. Independent Security Services Atlantic Inc., 2009 NSLST 22 (CanLII)

Some light reading.....

The following article is an opinion piece