Wednesday, September 20, 2017

The Five Fingers of Tactical Proficiency

The following is an article written by Whiskey Delta Gulf which I believe is very relevant to shooters at all levels. At the range I have been asked "How can I become a better shooter? What are some things I should focus on? It really comes down to the basics; learning to crawl before you walk, before you run.

Adam Painchaud, Vice President of the Sig Sauer Academy, during an interview, broke it down even further "When is comes to fundamentals really all there is is trigger control and muzzle management, getting your sights on target, keep the muzzle from doing a lot of movement and then squeezing the trigger without disturbing the muzzle." He goes on to demonstrate this concept firing a single round from his pistol into a 1" target, holding his pistol upside down, one handed, standing on one leg from 10 yards. "Now obviously this isn't an ideal shooting position but as you can see you can achieve accuracy focusing on those two things; trigger control and muzzle management.

For the tactical employment of firearms WDG breaks down the five things a shooter needs to focus on in order of precedence to properly and effectively employ firearms in an operational environment.

Five Fingers of Tactical Proficiency

I use the human hand as an aide-mémoire to remember the principles of tactical training to which I adhere. There are a few reasons I do this: you use your hands to manipulate weapons and other tactical equipment and you will always have your training mnemonic with you!

Thumb –Safety

Opposable digits and the ability to reason separate humans from animals. Both of those attributes play a huge part in training safety. Safety is designated by the thumb as it is impossible to operate a weapon without a thumb. You should not operate a weapon or participate in tactical training without safety being first and foremost in your mind.

Treat your weapon as if it were loaded. Don't treat it likes it’s radioactive. Treat it like it’s a firearm and you will be safe.

Do not intentionally or deliberately point your muzzle at anything you are not willing to destroy, without an adequate reason for doing so. This is a practical training class, in a training environment. For the square range make a conscious decision to NOT point your weapon at other people. In the real world, you do occasionally have to point your firearm at other people.

Know what is between you and your target, and to either side of your target. We’re not going to be operating on the square range in the real world. You will have good guys and innocents down-range of you in addition to the suspect. Pay attention to your surroundings. Consider the reality that you might miss. The reality that someone may step in the way of your shot, and the reality that your round may punch all the way through someone and keep going. Most of all, consider the reality that you might miss.

Keep your finger off the trigger until ready to shoot. If you fail in all three of the preceding rules, there is a fourth one for good measure. If you point your weapon at someone while it’s loaded, but don’t pull the trigger, the worst thing that will happen is you will get beat up. Unless you are actively engaging a target, with a solid sight picture, there is no reason, whatsoever, for your finger to be on the trigger.

Use your mechanical safety. Once you have successfully engaged a target, snap your firearm’s safety on if it has one. This is for the safety of everyone around you. It goes the same for the real world as well.
There is a zero tolerance policy for safety. If you violate safety rules, you are gone.

Weapon Manipulation-Trigger Finger

Building fluid and natural weapon manipulation skills is a cornerstone of tactical firearms proficiency. There are four levels of skill competency.

1.        Unconsciously Incompetent

2.        Consciously incompetent

3.        Consciously competent

4.        Unconsciously incompetent

These skills can only be developed to their full potential with regular dry training. The good thing about this training is that it is inexpensive. The only required investment is a handful of dummy rounds. You just need a place and to make the time. A few minutes a day can have long lasting effect on your learning potentiation.

The place and conduct warrants some discussion.  It must be a quiet place; free of distraction. You must decide on which skills you are going to practice before you start. All firearms must be cleared prior to starting any dry training. Absolutely no live ammunition should be in the vicinity of your dry training area ever! Practice perfect. Perfect practice makes perfect. Speed comes with familiarity and fluidity.

Practice admin loads, unloads, immediate actions and remedial actions. Practice presentations, dry firing, adopting different fire positions, and post engagement drills. Run these drills slick, with belt kit and with full order. Train the way you will fight.

Dry training needs to be constant. One spring a couple years ago, I was invited to audit Phase Line Green Tactical One Day Pistol Course as a participant. Not wanting to embarrass myself, I got into dry firing and weapon manipulations drills extra hard the week before the course. It really showed on the course who was familiar with their firearm. Part of it was experience but, part of it was the constant refresher. As an aside, the course, for me, was a rock solid review of fundamentals. Well worth the time.

Accuracy-Middle Finger

"Speed is fine but accuracy is final." Larry Vickers

The primary objective of tactical firearm training is to survive tactical encounters. Solid hits on your adversary or adversaries are the most effective way to survive. I am talking about combat effective accuracy. However, to achieve combat accurate hits under a body alarm response will require you to practice accurate shooting drills regularly. The effect of your natural physiological reaction to life threaten situations will deteriorate your skill. Additionally, these skills will fade without regular practice.

Start this by getting a solid zero for your chosen firearm at a realistic distance for your environment. Shoot groups in the five conventional positions from that range. Once you are confident at that range, expand to longer ranges and shorter ranges. Learn the hold offs for your sights at those ranges. Practice shooting around, over and under cover. Shoot supported and unsupported; learn how that affects your accuracy. Learn and apply unconventional shooting positions; the hold offs for your sight will be different. Shoot slick and full kit; learn how your gear can affects your accuracy and ability to adopt fire positions.

Speed-Ring Finger

"Smooth is fast, but slow is just frickin' slow" Kyle Lamb

This is gunfighting. Shooting as fast as you can maintain combat effective groups is a life skill. However, speed without causing terminal effect on your target is futile. This is more than timing and cadence than rushing for the sake of going fast. Time and distance affects the requirement for speed. The shorter the distance to the threat the shorter the reactionary gap.The greater the distance to the threat the longer the reactionary gap.

Set realistic goals. Work engagement drills to increase speed: controlled pairs, hammers, zipper, Two and One and non-standard response. Use a shot timer or shot timer app to set limits and increase stress.  Do all drills at combat speed. This includes immediate action, remedial actions, reloads and post engagement drills to complete the cycle of training. Push your limits but once your groups are not combat effective or making errors then dial it back a notch.

Tactics-Little Finger

"You should not be figuring out SOPs as your SUV is being remodeled by a PKM in Tikrit" a US PMC

Tactics are the final building block of tactical proficiency. They must suit the environment, mission, threat and your own level of skill. They must be executed with safety, accuracy and speed to be effective.

Work on individual tactics, pairs and team tactics. Consider different environments and threats. Build slowly at the speed of the slowest member of the team. Remember, what works in the sandbox might not work in the arctic!

"What worked yesterday would be fine, if it was yesterday." CTOMS Website

Practice, Practice, Practice.


"It is not about shooting. It is about fighting with a gun" Pat Rogers

You may have noticed that I did not include mindset in my principles of training. Think of mindset as the glove. Some people wear gloves in tactical environments, others do not. Though everybody should. It is a personal thing. Mindset cannot be taught. It is product of experience and personal growth. It is part of the overall training experience.   If you are reading this blog post, then you are on the path of personal growth towards the correct mindset.

A good tactical mindset can be guided and hindered by well-intentioned bystanders and trainers. Good instructors provide experience and expanded the 'toolbox' of their students. A tactical mindset is a highly personal thing. Developing your mindset affects your lifestyle and it is up to you how far you down this path you are willing to go.

In closing, these are the principles to which I conduct my personal training, range activities and the courses that I teach. This is, by no means, an exhaustive article on The Five Fingers of Tactical Proficiency. It is, merely, an introduction to the concept.